
この記事では、「The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test」に基づき、スピーキングセクションの問題形式を解説します。


  1. 個人的経験
  2. 二者択一
  3. 読解および会話聴き取り
  4. 読解および講義聴き取り
  5. 会話聴き取り
  6. 講義聴き取り

1. 個人的経験


Choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.


To answer a question like the one preceding, you would probably begin by briefly identifying the teacher you are going to speak about — not necessarily by name, of course, but by giving just enough relevant information so that someone listening to your response can make sense of your explanation. For example, what subject did the teacher teach? How old were you when you had him or her as a teacher?

You should describe what the teacher did and provide details that illustrate why the action was admirable.

The important thing, if you were to receive this particular question, is that you communicate enough information about the person to help the rater understand why you find that person admirable.

2. 二者択一


Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?


In answering a question like this one, it is important that you begin by clearly stating what your opinion is.

If you do not begin by stating your opinion, it may be difficult for someone listening to your response to understand your opinion.

If you have personal experiences that help illustrate your point, you might want to include them in your explanation.

You should explain — with reasons, examples, and/or specific details — why group study is better in some cases and individual study is better in others.

3. 読解および会話聴き取り



You will have 45 seconds to read the announcement. Begin right now.

Announcement from the President

The university has decided to increase tuition and fees for all students by approximately 8% next semester. For the past 5 years, the tuition and fees have remained the same, but it is necessary to increase them now for several reasons. The university has many more students than we had 5 years ago, and we must hire additional professors to teach these students. We have also made a new commitment to research and technology and will be renovating and upgrading our laboratory facilities to better meet our students’ needs.






Now listen to 2 students as they discuss the announcement.

[man] Oh, great, now we have to come up with more money for next semester.

[woman] Yeah, I know, but I can see why. When I first started here, classes were so much smaller than they are now. With this many students, it’s hard to get the personal attention you need.

[man] Yeah, I guess you’re right. You know, in some classes I can’t even get a seat. And I couldn’t take the math course I wanted to because it was already full when I signed up.

[woman] And the other thing is well, I am kind of worried about not being able to get a job after I graduate.

[man] Why? I mean you’re doing really well in your classes, aren’t you?

[woman] I’m doing OK, but the facilities here are so limited. There are some great new experiments in microbiology that we can’t even do here. There isn’t enough equipment in the laboratories, and the equipment they have is out of date. How am I going to compete for jobs with people who have practical research experience? I think the extra tuition will be a good investment.



[男性] やってくれるよ。次の半期の授業料、なんとかしなきゃ。

[女性] そうね。まあ仕方ないわよ。この大学に通い始めた頃、クラスの人数は今よりずっと少なかったもの。こんなに学生数が多いんじゃ、授業中に質問するのも難しいわよ。

[男性] まあね。人が多すぎて座ることさえできない講義もあるくらいだからね。数学のクラスなんて定員超過で申し込むことすらできなかったよ。

[女性] でも、授業料値上げのもう一つの理由は悪いことじゃないわ。私、卒業後に就職できるかどうかちょっと心配だったのよ。

[男性] どうして?君は授業でも優秀じゃないか?

[女性] まあまあだと思うけどね。この大学の設備はあまり良くないから。ここでは最新設備が整っていなくて、微生物学の実験が充分にできないのよ。研究所の機材は不充分で時代遅れよ。このままじゃ、実用的な実験に取り組んできた人たちとはとても渡り合っていけないわ。授業料の値上げは良い投資だと思う。


The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement by the university president. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Your response should be complete enough that someone listening to your response who has not read the announcement or heard the conversation would understand what the new policy is, what the woman’s opinion about it is, and the reasons she has for her opinion.

4. 読解および講義聴き取り



Now read the passage about animal domestication. You have 45 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.

Animal Domestication

For thousands of years, humans have been able to domesticate, or tame, many large mammals that in the wild live together in herds. Once tamed, these mammals are used for agricultural work and transportation. Yet some herd mammals are not easily domesticated.

A good indicator of an animal’s suitability for domestication is how protective the animal is of its territory. Non-territorial animals are more easily domesticated than territorial animals because they can live close together with animals from other herds. A second indicator is that animals with a hierarchical social structure, in which herd members follow a leader, are easy to domesticate, since a human can function as the “leader.”







Now listen to a lecture on this topic in an ecology class.

[professor] So we’ve been discussing the suitability of animals for domestication, particularly animals that live together in herds. Now, if we take horses, for example, in the wild, horses live in herds that consist of one male and several females and their young. When a herd moves, the dominant male leads, with dominant female and her young immediately behind him. The dominant female and her young are then followed immediately by the second most important female and her young, and so on. This is why domesticated horses can be harnessed one after the other in a row.

They’re “programmed” to follow the lead of another horse. On top of that, you often find different herds of horses in the wild occupying overlapping areas — they don’t fight off other herds that enter the same territory.

But it’s exactly the opposite with an animal like the antelope, which are herd animals too. But unlike horses, a male antelope will fight fiercely to prevent another male from entering its territory during the breeding season. OK, very different from the behavior of horses. Try keeping a couple of male antelopes together in a small space and see what happens. Also, antelopes don’t have a social hierarchy — they don’t instinctively follow any leader. That makes it harder for humans to control their behavior.



[教授] ここまで、動物の飼育適性について話してきた。とりわけ、群れを作る特性がある動物に関して。馬を例に挙げると、野生における馬の群れは一匹のオスのリーダーと、複数のメスとその子どもたちで成り立っている。群れが移動する時、リーダーのオスが主導する。続いて、メスの中でもリーダー格の馬とその子どもたちが、リーダーのオスの後についていく。さらに、メスの中で二番目に重要な馬とその子どもたちが、リーダーのメスの後に続く。この繰り返しだ。これが、飼いならされた馬が次々と厩舎に入っていく理由だ。




The professor describes the behavior of horses and antelope in herds. Explain how their behavior is related to their suitability for domestication.


To answer this question, you would use information from both the reading passage and the lecture, linking the specific information from both the reading passage and the lecture.

5. 会話聴き取り



You will listen to a conversation. You will then be asked to talk about the information in the conversation and to give your opinion about the ideas presented. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

[man] Hey, Lisa, how’s it going?

[woman] Hi, Mark, I’m OK, I guess, but my schoolwork is really stressing me out.

[man] (sympathetically) Yeah? What’s wrong?

[woman] Well, I’ve got a paper to write and two exams to study for. And a bunch of math problems to finish. It’s just so much that I can’t concentrate on any of it. I start concentrating on studying for one of my exams, and then I’m like, how long’s it’s going to take to finish that problem set?

[man] Wow. Sounds like you’ve got a lot more work than you can handle right now. (not wanting to sound too pushy) Look, have you talked to some of your professors? I mean, you know, try to explain the problem. Look, you could probably get an extension on your paper, or on the math assignment.

[woman] You think? It would give me a little more time to prepare for my exams right now.

[man] Well, I mean another thing that you might do. I mean, have you tried making yourself a schedule? I mean that’s what I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed.

[woman] What does that do for you?

[man] Well, I mean it helps you to focus your energies. You know, you make yourself a chart that shows the next few days and the time till your stuff is due and …

[woman] Uh-huh … (meaning “I’m listening”)

[man] I mean think about what you need to do and when you have to do it by. You know, then start filling in your schedule — like, alright, 9:00 to 11:30 a.m., study for exam, 12:00 to 3:00, work on problem set. But I mean don’t make the time periods too long. Like, don’t put in eight hours of studying — you know, you’ll get tired, or start worrying about your other work again. But if you keep to your schedule, you know, you’ll just have to worry about one thing at a time.

[woman] (somewhat noncommittally) Yeah, that might work.



[男性] やあ、リサ。調子はどう?

[女性] こんにちわ、マーク。まあまあよ。大学の課題でかなり参ってるけどね。

[男性] (同情する調子で)そうなの?何か困ってる?

[女性] そうね、レポートが一つと、試験が二つあるの。それにやらなきゃいけない数学の問題もたくさんあって。やることが多すぎて、どれに集中していいか分からないって感じ。試験のうちの一つに集中しようとしてるんだけど、数学の問題を解くのにどのくらい時間が掛かるだろう?ってことも考えちゃうの。

[男性] なるほど。許容範囲を超えているのかもね。(押し付けがましくないように)例えば、教授に相談はしてみた?困っていることを話してみるとか。レポートや数学の問題の締め切りを延長してもらえるかもしれないし。

[女性] そう思う?そうすれば試験に集中できるから少しは助かるわ。

[男性] そうだね。それともう一つできることがあるかもしれないよ。スケジュールを作ってみたことはある?どうしていいか分からなくなった時、僕はそうしてるんだ。

[女性] どんな効果があるの?

[男性] やる気を保つ効果があると思うよ。数日先までにやるべきことと予定が分かるから…。

[女性] うんうん。(「聴いていますよ」という意味)

[男性] まず、やらなければいけないことと、いつまでにやるべきかを考えるんだ。それからスケジュールを作っていく。例えば、9時から11時半までは試験勉強にあてて、12時から3時までは数学の問題をやる、という風に。ただ、時間枠は長くし過ぎない方がいいよ。例えば、8時間の勉強時間を設定するとか。これだと疲れてしまうし、他にやらなければいけないことが心配になってくるからね。スケジュールを作っておけば、一度に一つのことだけ考えれば良くなるよ。

[女性] (いくぶん決めかねる様子で)そうね。それもいいかもね。


The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.


To answer this question, you should begin by briefly describing the woman’s problem, giving just enough details so that someone listening to your response but who has not heard the conversation would know what you are talking about. Then you would state which solution you prefer and explain why.

6. 講義聴き取り



Because the United States is such a large country, it took time for a common national culture to emerge. One hundred years ago there was very little communication among the different regions of the United States. One result of this lack of communication was that people around the United States had very little in common with one another. People in different parts of the country spoke differently, dressed differently, and behaved differently. But connections among Americans began to increase thanks to two technological innovations: the automobile and the radio.

Automobiles began to be mass-produced in the 1920s, which meant they became less expensive and more widely available. Americans in small towns and rural communities now had the ability to travel with ease to nearby cities. They could even take vacations to other parts of the country. The increased mobility provided by automobiles changed people’s attitudes and created links that had not existed before. For example, people in small towns began to adopt behaviors, clothes, and speech that were popular in big cities or in other parts of the country.

And more Americans were purchasing cars, radio ownership was also increasing dramatically. Americans in different regions of the country began to listen to the same popular radio programs and musical artists. People repeated things they heard on the radio — some phrases and speech patterns heard in songs and radio programs began to be used by people all over the United States. People also listened to news reports on the radio. They heard the same news throughout the country, whereas in newspaper much news tended to be local. Radio brought Americans together by offering them shared experiences and information about events around the country.






Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the automobile and the radio contributed to a common culture in the United States.


To answer this question, you might begin with a little background.
And go on to summarize the information from the lecture that explains how they caused this change.
Remember that you do not need to repeat all of the details. There is simply too much information.




Official Guide to the TOEFL Test with CD-ROM (4th Edition) (TOEFL公認ガイド 第4版)CD-ROM付き